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Parking Information
Find information about parking regulations, permit requirements, accessibility, temporary restrictions, and validated guest parking.
Parking Portal Instructions & Permit Application
Apply for a Parking Permit
- Log into the parking portal and click Permits at the top of the page. In the dropdown, click Get Permits. From there, follow the directions on the screen.
- Your license plate information must be correct to avoid citations therefore please confirm the accuracy of your license plate information before submitting.
Update Vehicle Information
- Log into the parking portal, and at the top of the page, click Vehicles.
- If you want to add a vehicle, click Add Vehicle and follow directions on the screen. Please confirm the accuracy of your license plate information before submitting to avoid citations.
- You then need to add the new vehicle to your permit. First, at the top of the page, click on Permits.
- Click on your permit number and then at the bottom of the page, click on Add Vehicles To Permit.
- Select vehicle(s) you wish to add and then click on Add the Selected Vehicle.
- If you want to delete a vehicle, click on the license plate of the vehicle that you no longer have and at the bottom of the screen click Delete.
Cancel Parking Permit
- Log into the parking portal and click Permits at the top of the page. In the dropdown, click View Permits. From there, click on your permit number.
- At the bottom of the Permit Details page, please click on the Return Permit button and follow instructions.
General Parking Permit Rules
UMass Boston Parking Regulations (1/8/24)
- Permit Requirements: All vehicles parking on campus must hold an active UMass Boston Parking Permit, or use a hourly/daily transient parking ticket upon entry at a gated parking facility, or use the pay by phone option at an ungated facility.
- Business Day Start Time: The new business day begins at 5:00 A.M. each day in gated and ungated parking facilities.
- License Plate Display: Permit holders must display a valid state-issued license plate associated when parking on campus. A state-issued license plate must face the aisle from which the parking space was entered. Vehicles without front license plates should not back into spaces in ungated parking facilities.
- Vehicle Limitation: Permit holders may park only one vehicle on campus at a time. If more than one vehicle is parked on campus at the same time, the permit holder and vehicle will be subject to parking enforcement policies, which may include, warnings, fines, and towing at the permit holder’s cost, and referral to Human Resources or the Dean of Students.
- Vehicle Information Responsibility: Permit holders are solely responsible for vehicle information on file with Transportation Services. All vehicle information, including registration (license plate), must be entered accurately into the parking permit application. Failure to enter correct information or update information regarding new vehicles, rental vehicles, loaned vehicles, etc. may result in fines and towing.
- Transferability and ID Requirement: Parking permits are not transferable. The permit holder’s UMass Boston ID (Beacon Card) is required to enter/exit gated parking facilities. A permit holder may appeal a citation within 21 days of issuance if they were issued a citation due to forgetting their Beacon Card.
- Parking Space Guarantee: Transportation Services guarantees permit holders a parking space on campus but does not guarantee a space near the permit holder’s destination.
- Parking Regulations Adherence: The unavailability of a specific parking location or space, severe weather, or running late for a class or meeting are not valid excuses for violating any parking regulations. All university parking spaces are clearly identified by either signs or pavement markings. If an area is not specifically marked as university parking, you should assume that you cannot park there.
- Parking Availability: Parking on campus is limited. All permit types are subject to availability.
- Responsibility Disclaimer: UMass Boston assumes no responsibility for vehicle damage, theft, or theft of vehicle contents when the vehicle is parked on university property. UMass Boston assumes no responsibility for vehicle damage resulting from towing.
- Parking Permit Payments: Customer is responsible for full payment of a parking permit that has been purchased. Parking permit must be cancelled to stop payroll deductions or receive pro-rated refund for a permit purchased via credit card or student account.
Validated Tickets
- Validated Guest Parking: University departments who wish to pay for a guest’s parking needs at a gated parking facility are able to purchase pre-paid validated parking tickets. These tickets may only be purchased via a Journal Entry and may be purchased using this form.
- Usage Locations: Validated tickets can be used at any on campus location (Campus Center, Lot D, or West Garage).
- Internal Events: When requesting Pre-paid parking, departments looking to request validations for their visitors and events, please use our signup form.
- External Events: Validations will expire at the conclusion of your event and unused passes may not be returned for a refund.
- Request Process: To request validations, please use our form.
- Chaser Parking Ticket Instructions: For guidance on how to utilize chaser parking tickets, please click here.
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces will be designated by the university in appropriate areas. Parkers will be permitted to park in marked ADA parking spaces where i) the parker has been issued appropriate authorization to park in handicapped spots by the Registry of Motor Vehicles or ii) the parker has been determined by the Human Resources ADA/504 Coordinator office to be entitled to a reasonable parking accommodation.
Temporary Parking Restrictions
Construction projects, major university events, and unforeseen emergencies (including weather and snow emergencies) may require Transportation Services to close or restrict gated or ungated lots for a specified period. Transportation Services will notify all affected parking permit holders of the times, dates, and locations of these parking restrictions in advance.
Electric Vehicle Charging
UMass Boston is proud to offer 19 shared ChargePoint EV charging stations across campus, providing a convenient and accessible option for EV owners to charge their vehicles while on campus.
- West Garage (First Floor): 15 charging stations.
- Campus Center Garage (Lower Level): 4 charging stations, newly available for added convenience.
How to Get Started with ChargePoint
Step 1: Set Up Your ChargePoint Account
- Download the ChargePoint App: Available for Android and iOS.
- Sign Up: Create an account within the app. You can also request a free RFID card during sign-up if you need it for use at other stations in the ChargePoint network.
- Enroll in Tap to Pay
Step 2: How to Charge Your Vehicle
- Tap your ChargePoint card or your phone using Tap to Pay on the station’s reader symbol to authorize your payment and unlock the plug.
- To end your session, 4 hours is the limit to charge your vehicle, tap your ChargePoint card or phone on the station’s reader symbol to confirm you want to end your charging session. Remove the charger and return it to the station.
Additional Details:
- Charging costs $0.22 per kWh, with a 4-hour maximum charge per session.
- Standard parking fees apply in addition to charging costs.
- Non-charging vehicles parked in EV spaces will be fined $75.
Contact Us
Transportation Services
Service & Supply, Lower Level
100 Morrissey Bvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Phone: 617.287.5041
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
General inquiries:
Commuting inquiries: